Friday, 28 October 2016


Image result for halloween


Image result for halloween


2. Read the text and write the missing words in your notebook while you listen to the story again:

Why is it when the night comes, the  world seems spooky, , horrible and frightening? Is it because it's dark or is it because there's  out there in the dark? Who knows? I don't. You that sound? I don't. Is that someone coming or... something? I don't know. Is that a  or some lost ghost? I don't know. What are  sounds, all those things, all those sounds that in the dark? I don't know. But if you  find out, come with me...
It's a dark, dark  and we're  a dark, dark road. And the dark, dark  make dark, dark shadows and the shadows look as though  living. Living? No, they look like... I don't know. But are they trees? Trees don't sound  that, do they? And there, back  the dark, dark road, is an old dark, dark house. And the house has a dark, dark . And the house is dark... dark.

Hello? (echo) Is  home? (echo)

The  are dark, dark and all the  are dark, dark and the  are dark, dark. And there in the corner, a dark, dark corner, is a dark, dark . And when I  it, out jumps a dark, dark... (scream)... GHOST!

Image result for halloween

3. Click the link and play the game!

Don't forget to write the final result!

Image result for halloween

4. Do this activity and write the correct answers in your notebook:

2.White monster that appears and disappears 

3. A witch's pet                                                 

 4. An object that witches fly on 

5. A monster who drinks blood 

6. An orange vegetable 

7. A place where dead people are buried            

8. A small animal that likes to weave a web 

9. An animal that flies at night                                   

10. A lady who casts spells and makes potions 

11.Celebrated on October 31                            

12. A bird that is the symbol of wisdom 

13. A house full of ghosts 

14. A vampire sleeps in 

15. It transforms at full moon and howls            

16.A monster created in the laboratory  

17. Children put on their costumes and go 

2. Write the number from ex. 1 to the picture.

Image result for halloween

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Description activity

Describe your city, your room or even your classroom!


Image result for there is

Image result for there is

Now, ask your classmates about their description. Use:

Image result for is there questions

What's in the fridge?

Look at the picture and ask questions about the food in the fridge:


Image result for is there any food

Image result for is there any food

Image result for is there any food

Image result for is there any food

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

ABC of verbs!!

Write your ABC list of verbs in English!!

Image result for a-z list verbs

Image result for a-z list verbs

to do verb

Image result for verb to do

Daily routines

Image result for to do my homework verbines

to have

Image result for to have

to be

Image result for to be

Who are you?

Image result for who are you?

Tell your classmates about your likes and dislikes!

Image result for likes and dislikes

5/6 Ws

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Image result for 5Ws

Present Continuous - picture description activity

Use Present Continuous to describe these pictures!!

Image result for present continuous

image A

image B

Let's describe a picture!!!

Try to describe a picture to one of your classmates!
Using English, of course!!!

What do they have in common???

Have fun!

English... breakfast time!!

This is a lovely recipe!


Per person, allow:

This is another one!

English breakfast - toast, egg, bacon and vegetables

Let's cook!

Use the following ingredients to cook a special breakfast!!

Be creative!