Thursday, 26 January 2017

The webcam game

Imagine you have to give details about what is happening right now in a Shopping Centre.

You are working for the Surveillance service and you can watch all the cameras!!

Write about what you are seeing at the moment!

Image result for surveillance icon

The Machines of the Isle of Nantes


"Les Machines de l’île" is a totally unprecedented artistic project. Born from the François Delarozière and Pierre Orefice’s imagination, it is at crossroads of Jules Verne’s "invented worlds", of the mechanical universe of Leonardo da Vinci, and of Nantes’ industrial history, on the exceptional site of the former shipyards.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Books and authors

Image result for the little prince book


Invented books and authors

Fill in with the information provided or use a book in order to fill in:

Book 1
Book 2
Book 3

You can choose the book!

1. Title of the book

2. Name of the author and search for information about when, where he/she lives/ed and what he/she did/does for a living.

3. Structure of the book

4. Genre

The book is the last major work of fiction by Hemingway that was published during his lifetime.

1. Title of the book:

2. Name of the author and information about when, where he/she lives/ed and what he/she did for a living.

3. Structure of the book

4. Genre

1. Title of the book

2. Name of the author and information about when, where he/she lives/ed and what he/she did for a living.

3. Structure of the book

4. Genre