Reading the book
1. Read the book
2. Select the words you do not know and look for the meaning. Read the Glossary, too.
3. Try to summarise the book using your own words.
4. Think about the characters and write their name: principal and secondary ones!
5. Look at the book structure and write how many pages, chapters or volumes are.
6. Look for Culture and Society elements in the book and try to think about them.
7. Write about what type of genre your book is and describe it.
Describing a book
As we could see in the class, when we checked for the book file we are reading, you are supposed to write a book file.
It can be a book you like or not, or a book that is your favourite one!

Do not forget to include the following information:
1. Title of the book
2. Name of the author and information about when, where he/she lives/ed and what he/she did for a living.
3. Structure of the book
4. Genre
5. Say why you chose the book.
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